
Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Okay, yes I know that I wanted to have this amazing blog and really be able to sit down every day and write, but I don't live in a perfect world so it's not happening. I was bust towards the end of last week getting stuff together from my Stella & Dot Trunk Show. It was fun, message me if you want me to put one together for you. Anyways, the weekend wasn't too eventful, just caught up on a lot of TV shows with the hubby. But yesterday was one of those days, the kind when I ask myself do I really want to be a SAHM and I also strongly consider working outside of the house. Anyways, It started off with Rob bringing me coffee in bed, sweet huh? Well yes and no. He is not the one that usually makes the coffee and he just puts as many scoops as he thinks it needs, which was way more than I do. I couldn't tell how strong it was through all the creamer so I gulped it down and went on about my morning. I took a shower(amazing to do this before noon) and I was just in a very hyper/happy mood. I'm not a morning person so this was strange but I figured I would just go with it. I started doing some S&D stuff and suddenly started to get all jittery and anxious feeling. I knew it had to be all the caffeine. I texted Rob and asked how many scoops he used and it turned out to be almost double the amount I use. Well no wonder I had the shakes like a crack head. He thought it was funny, but not me. It is the worst feeling. I googled how to make this topic go away, apparently it happens a lot, because there were a ton of suggestions. I tried eating, but it made me feel queasy, the nap suggestion was not gonna happen because I was so wired and I have KIDS so I went with the water drinking suggestion. It helped a little but I still felt bad. Well I guess the kids decided they needy to join in the Monday blues. Gracie is teething and decided that she had to be held ALL DAY LONG, I put her in the Ergo and carried her around but that was not cutting it. She wanted to be in my arms completely. So while in the glider with her Preston decides to get jealous. He comes up and sits with us. I think things are going okay, but not with my little ones. Gracie starts hitting Preston on the head and he starts pushing her back and finally gets down but starts to whine.....The day continues with a lot of tears from all 3 of us(sometimes a good cry makes you feel better). Every time I would almost have Gracie asleep Preston would have to pee, which means she would start crying because she was put down lol. Preston also had 2 accidents yesterday, one on my lap!!! By the time Rob came home, I was ready to crash from the caffeine wearing off but he had plans to shoot pool. So may day pretty much continued to go down hill until 10:45 when he came home. This morning he said wasn't yesterday funny now that its over? ummm HELL NO! It wasn't funny then and it has not been long enough after all the events to find it funny yet. Oh sometimes these kids manage to push every button, but i don't know what I would do without them, although a nanny or mommy's helper a few hours a week maybe 2 days out of the week would be amazing! Maybe I should ask for that for mothers day this year. Anyways, have a terrific TUESDAY!!!

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