
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I have a really good excuse....

Okay, yes I have been slacking off but I promise I will do better. We have been crazy busy! Marriage retreat in Hilton Head, getting Preston on a basic schedule, figuring out what to do for Rob's birthday, a teething Gracie running a fever and WE GOT ORDERS! 
Yes finally, we know where the hell we will be living, unless for some crazy reason they change something, which I hope does not happen, because I don't do sudden change well when it comes to the kids. So, yesterday morning I wasn't feeling all that great. It had been a long night and I just was in a ugh mood. I prayed that it would be the day that we got orders, well I guess I prayed a little harder than usual or God was tired of hearing the same prayer, but it was answered. Rob called me and asked me when I last talked to someone who lives in San Francisco, since he never really asks about her I figured we had orders to some where in California or Las Vegas. He told me we were PCS'ing to travis AFB in Fairfield, CA. I had a mix of emotions. Nervous, excited, stressed, scared, happy all at once. I immediately Googled Fairfield and surrounding areas. Well what little bit of California joy i had went out the window. The town, yes town that the base is located in is kinda scary, I even read a ton of post saying don't leave the base after dark because of all the gangs.....WTF, not cool at all. i don't do good in the hood and so far this place was the hood to the 100th power! After spending the day trying to find a safe area that won't be too much of a commute for Rob to the base and for me to take Preston to school I narrowed it down to Benicia, CA, but I really like Walnut Creek, CA but it's a longer commute and  really expensive. It's so hard to have to decide on a place to live and a school for your kids when you know nothing about the area and are relying on reviews by other people. I don't consider myself to be stuck up, but I like nice things and I like living in nice safe areas! I think we will end up picking a school and securing Preston a spot and finding somewhere to live when we get out there. It will be tough to find something we all like, that fits our needs, and not super expensive. I think I will get more excited once we are out there. Rob is excited to at least be in the same state as Tre' (his oldest son) although it is about a 2 hour plane ride from San Diego. 
This will be my first military move, first time living in a different time zone, first time being so far from family and first time driving cross-country. Rob is pretty pumped about that part. I guess I can start looking into fun stops along the way. I don't think I ever realized how big California is. I have been to San Diego and really enjoyed it, but from what i hear the bay area is totally different, so we will see. Hopefully I can have a little CALIFORNIA LOVE, LUST, okay LIKE for the next 2 years. Regardless, it will be something else to add to my collection of experiences! 

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