
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How RUDE!!!!!

I think sometime people don't realize how rude they are, especially women! Even when they may think that they are saying something nice sometimes you may need to stop and think before it comes out of your mouth. I am sure I could name a ton of things that I have heard especially since being a wife and mom but I am going to tell you the top ones and the reasons why, so here we go. 
  "Wow, how far along are you? You are so small, is the baby okay?" So I heard this question so many times during both of my pregnancies and asking someone why they are so small is just as rude as asking why they got so fat. I am 4'11" and about 100 pounds so when I was pregnant I gained about 23 pounds, which was a healthy weight. I think so many women use being pregnant as a reason to eat everything, but it's not. Once that baby is out of there you will be stuck with all that baby fat wondering what the hell happened! Question number 2, "How close in age are your kids? Was the last one an accident?" An accident???? How old are we people, I believe that most people knew how babies got here way before they were even thinking about sex, so to call a baby an accident is screwed up. You know that if you have sex there is a chance that 40 weeks later you will have a baby, so let's find a new word. Unplanned or a wonderful surprise or a blessing, but not accident. For the record Gracie was planned, I knew I wanted them close in age and wanted her born in the spring so that gave us a few months of trying and the last month of trying, I got my little girl! Question number three, "How old are you?" Asking someone their age once they are an adult is kind of rude. I usually get this question when I am with Rob, because people notice the age difference. I guess I forget about it because it's not a big deal. My newest response to that question is, "I'm 25, how old are you 46?" Rob and I are 16 years apart for all the people wondering. Okay, so question/statement number 4, "You know you won't be able to have a natural birth, your pelvis is too small..."So you are my doctor now? I am sure they are trying to say how tiny I am and so on, but who are you to tell me how I will be giving birth. And to all of the people who said that, I had both children in a natural labor with no issues. I had an excellent doctor and mid-wife that did an amazing job during both deliveries. Question 5, "Is he walking yet?" I was at the point of being ready to bitch slap the next person that asked me if Preston was walking, I even let it get to me at one point by taking him to the doctor and even had an apt. with a specialist to see if he was okay. The evening before he was scheduled to go see the specialist the kid walked, at 16 months. So what it took him little time, but I could not imagine having to chase after him and watch him climb and jump off of stuff any sooner than I did. he walked when he wanted to, which was okay for me!
And now my final question, number 6, "Why do you use cloth diapers and breast feed? It seems like such a pain in the ass." Well, I do cloth for a number of reasons. I consider myself to be somewhat green, I did not want all those chemicals on my children's skin, I knew that cloth diapered babies were potty trained sooner and it saved a TON of money! If you are thinking gross, you have to wash poop out and stuff, then maybe you shouldn't be a parent. The only times that I have ever had a diaper blow out has been the times when the kids had on disposables. We only use them when we are traveling somewhere and won't have access to a washer. As far as the breast feeding, I could do a whole post or two on why I do it. Not only is it healthy, easy, a wonderful bonding experience and pretty much amazing to see what your body can do, but it burns calories like no other! A couple weeks after having both kids I was bikini ready, no really I was, I will post a pic to prove it lol. 
So next time you are about to say something, take whatever adjective you are going to use and replace it with the opposite and see how it sounds then, small-big, green-wasteful, skinny-fat, etc.!
Below are some pics of me pregnant right before having the kidos, right after baby, cute cloth diapered butts and me and Rob! 

About a month after having Gracie

belly cast of both at start of 3rd Trimester, Preston on left Gracie on right
Nap time, a few days old Gracie

about 32 weeks with Preston

After nursing Preston, a few days old

Preston Daniel Marks

Savannah Grace Marks

My cloth diapered baby girl

Me and Rob


  1. My body is nowhere in the shape yours is in, but your comments are an inspiration to all mommys or mommys-to-be. I think people can forget how rude they can be sometimes and that's what hurts us the most. Advice they think is best is not always best for everyone. I'm interested in using the cloth method, you used, whenever I do have kids though. How did u find out about that or did you just know already? And love has no age. My beau and I are 7 years apart and I feel closer to him mentally and emotionally than any man I know. Btw hate to say it but Valdosta has a lot of close-minded people there. I should know I went to college there lol~~

  2. Yeah, people are so RUDE!!!! I knew I wanted to be kinda green but wasn't sure how easy cloth would be so I did a ton of research until I found some I liked. Yes, Valdosta has some characters!
