
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's HUMP DAY, wait it should be GRUMP day

So today is what the working world calls hump day. Not to say that I don't work because being a SAHM is a full time job, but i don't work outside of the house. I remember when hump day put me a wee bit closer to  party Friday and sleep in late Saturday and Sunday funday, but now I barely know what day it is. Well I take that back, my days are known to be by what comes on TV. Since I had the kids and stay at home it seems as if all my days just run together. I wake up, fix breakfast, change Gracie, take Preston to the potty, shower(sometimes), and look around the house and wonder how the hell did it get back so messy so fast. I swear I clean everyday, like really clean the house everyday but by the time bedtime rolls around (whenever that is b/c my kids are not on any type of schedule) it looks like a tornado went through my house. But anyway back to the grump day, Gracie woke up around 7 AM, not cool, she usually sleeps until 8:45. since we co-sleep when she wakes up so do I. I tried to nurse her back to sleep which seemed to backfire, she all of a sudden had a burst of energy. Well, Mr. Preston decided to wake up around 8 something and was in a mood. He sleeps in his own bed, which is next to ours for most of the night, but somewhere between 4-5 AM he crawls in the big bed. After getting Chick-fil-A which he loves I was sure he would be in a better mood....WRONG!!!! He still is in a mood as he lays next to me on the sofa whining and Gracie squirms around in my arms. Maybe he will wake up a bit more refreshed and in a better mood after a nap. Until then I will let him play Angry Birds on my phone, I much rather here the sounds from that instead of him crying. Anywho, happy hump day for those that it actually matters to!




  1. i feel you on the rarely showering thing...I have become a fan of dry shampoo!

  2. ha ha I shower less now that my kids are older than I did with a newborn!
