
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My 26th Birthday

So Saturday I turned 26, where are these years going? For the past 3 birthdays I have either been pregnant or just done dinner with the family, in the past my step son Tre' has been here as well, so we all just do a family dinner out, nothing fancy. This year I decided I wanted to go home to Savannah, even if it was for just one day. The closer we became to moving day the more I started to panic and realize that I will no longer be a 3 hour drive from some of my dearest friends. I also have never gone without the kids so this would be interesting. The only time j ever spent a night away from Preston was to have Gracie and then I spent 5 days in the hospital after the kidney donation, besides that these children don't leave my side! Rob's dada decide he would come down on Friday so that helped relax me a bit, I knew that Rib would have some help. I made list of instructions for both kids, pumped some milk for Gracie, got the clothes together for them and as soon as he pulled up from work Friday I took off! He didn't even turn the car off, I was ready! The drive is never exciting but I can't tell you the number of times I have done it, I should be use to it by now. Well, once I got to Savannah I picked up some food and headed to meet Amanda. She recently had a baby as well and had a sitter all night long, it was already starting out great. After a beer and YouTube video watching we headed downtown to Bar Bar. One of my super good friends is the head bartender there so this stop was double great. Awesome drink and awesome friend! Before leaving there, one of my best guy friends came by to hang out for a bit. I was also able to hang out with other friends that I had literally grown up with. We went to about 4 more places before calling it a night! I think I went to sleep around 4:30 that morning! I do not know the last time I laughed so much with friends. I have my friends here, but you can't beat friendships that you have had for atleast 12 years, some longer than that. Once I finally decided to get on the road I talked to Rob and he told me that they were about to take the kids to Wid Adventures to see the animals, I started crying! We have done the zoo before, but not WA and I couldn't believe he would do this without me. After about 5 minutes he called back and said he was joking. Not funny! Once I got home my babies we beyond excited to see me. Having a night from them was hard, but it really made me so much more excited to hug and kiss them. I was pretty tired that night so we picked up some fast food and I went to be super early. The next day we went to church and out to eat. On Monday I was able to get my birthday present. I have known about it for a while, I'm pretty nosey and hate surprises. My parents told Rob a while ago to not waste energy trying to surprise me and he still tries. I have yet to be surprised. Anywho, the gift was a huge, I mean 4x3 huge painting of me hold Preston in my lap and Gracie is holding on to my leg. The pictures due it no justice! I wasn't crazy about it at first especially since I had asked for something totally different but the more I stared at it I grew to like it. Overall, I had a pretty fun birthday although my 20's are on the higher end now!
I will add the picture later today when i get on my computer.

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