
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

So close, yet so far away

Day 9 Kingman, Arizona to Bakersfield, California 335.6 miles about 5 hours and 46 minutes.  Goodbye Arizona, hello CALI! Well, kinda....So we decided to push on through today and go on to Bakersfield. Although, travel time estimates 5 hours 46 minutes, we know that between getting gas, food, bathroom breaks and big semi trucks today will take almost 7 hours. After breakfast we load up and get on the road, but before hitting the highway we try to find a salon to get my eyebrows waxed at....yes, in the same town that Chili's is considered eating well and where there is a JC Penny in a shopping plaza next to Pet Smart, Subway and Ross. Yeah, the eyebrow thing did not happen so to the 40 we headed. We stopped along the way around Barstow, CA for lunch at Pizza Hut. Rob and I were both ready to call the quits, but after checking out the local hotels, or lack of we decided that we could do the last 2 hours. 3 Red Bulls and a big bottle of water later we arrive to Bakersfield. I suddenly had a little bit of energy once we got out of the car. I think my Jeep is stealing my energy....Anywho, the guy at the front desk recommended a local Greek place to go eat dinner. The food was amazing, but my little buddy Preston was not feeling well. Last night he climbed in the bed with me around 2AM and I held him the rest of the night. He wanted nothing to do with Rob, just wanted mommy to hold him. The same thing at dinner. He kept laying his head down on the table and didn't not want milk or fries. I knew something was up, because the kid would live off of the 2 things if I let him. We figured he was suffering with the sinus issues just like we were and ran by Rite Aid to get him some children's Claritin once we left the restaurant. Once we got back to the hotel, Rob told the front desk that we were going to take the room for an additional night. Driving 5 more hours and having to do a ton of running around the next day, was not something we wanted to do. We decided that we would just relax and not have to have the pressure of getting up and rushing to get on the road. We watched some TV and had some drinks and went to bed! It's nice to know that tomorrow will be a drive free day. Maybe I can find somewhere to get my eyebrows done, because I can't find my tweezers and I'm gonna have a unibrow soon...well maybe not, but I don't like having un-groomed brows! Oh and on a SN, the hotel in New Mexico called, no sign of dog. I guess I will be getting online and ordering a replacement, maybe 2. I may also pick up a cord for my camera so I can upload pics, since I can't find mine.


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