
Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Savannah Grace

So I stole this idea from Emily's blog, I actually borrow a lot of ideas from her blog, she has been doing this for a bit longer than me, so it's nice to use some of her ideas to spruce up my blog.  Anywho, for her son's birthday she wrote a letter to him on her blog. I agree that years from now it will be much easier to read the blog books that I have made instead of a bunch of old cards. So here we go!


Oh my precious baby girl. God knows that before your presence was even known to your daddy and I you were making big and loud statements without any words! I remember thinking I had food poisoning the days before I realized I was pregnant, because I was so sick. Well, that sickness went through the entire pregnancy, up until labor!

You were a little fireball from the start. Even though the pregnancy was extremely difficult and labor long and frustrating, I would not change a thing. In just a year you have turned into a very independent, vocal and beautiful little girl. I look at you everyday in amazement!

 I love your laugh and your "precious moments eyes" as your daddy calls them. Watching you copy everything your big brother does, good and bad, is always entertaining. People always asked me if you were an accident because I was crazy to have children so close in age, well no you were not. You came into our lives exactly when we wanted you to! I have always loved the closeness that your daddy and Aunt Winnie have and I look forward to see you and Preston get to that stage, until then I will just have to deal with the pushing and hitting. 
I must admit, you are a big girl and you can hold your own when it comes to that big brother of yours.

I know little girls are always thought of as daddy's girls, but you are my baby cakes. You bring me so much joy every single day. I love painting your little toe nails, putting your hair in ponytails and shopping for great shoes and clothes.  You're like a little doll baby! Most of all I enjoy our nursing moments. 

 I didn't truly appreciate what a blessing it was to breast feed until you came along. I took it for granted with your brother and I could not wait until he tuned one so I could stop. I have grown to appreciate that special bond we are able to have during these times and I know that I am doing one of the healthiest things for you.

 I try to cherish every single moment I have with you even when you drive me nuts. I know how lucky we are to have a healthy daughter. I love waking up every morning to you. You are really chilled out the first few minutes and then you start laughing so loud! Everyone that meets you always asks me if you are always so happy. Yes you are, although you do have you diva moments! Today is bittersweet because it's your official last "first" holiday/party, but I am also a very proud mommy of the little lady that you are growing up to be. 

I fall more and more in love with you everyday. You keep me on my toes and God could not have created a more perfect fit. I see myself in you so much and I sometimes stare at you in amazement and awe. I don't know what I did to be blessed with such a healthy, happy, beautiful and funny little girl, but whatever the reason I am forever thankful. 

So today we celebrate the first of many more birthdays. I love you Savannah Grace Marks!

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