
Monday, October 3, 2011

Where ya been???

Well, I have been right here! It occurred to me that I have been on Preston's school schedule and my blog has not received any love. All is well, Preston is making a wonderful adjustment to school and pretty much flies out of the car as soon as we get there. Some Monday's are a little rough, but he seems to quickly get back in the swing of things by Tuesday. Most days consist of him telling me what they had for snack or telling me that he had fun. Glad to see that all of our money is going to such a fun day. It does make me happy that he is now interacting with kids around his age, hopefully he will learn how important it is to share!!!! He has yet to master that skill. Overall I am extremely glad that he associates school with fun and i hope this continues for a while. As far as Miss Gracie, well she usually tries to stay at the school on the playground when we drop Preston off in the morning. I think she thinks that she is a big kid! I am really enjoying the time with just us as well. I never get to have time with just her, so I think she really likes having mommy all to herself. Another thing that I like is running errands with just one child. How did I ever think it was a ton of work to go anywhere when I only had one. Don't get me wrong, it still slows me down a bit, but only having to do one car seat and keep up with one kid makes a huge difference. All and all I think we are adjusting to the new schedule, even if that means my bedtime has become super early. Getting up at 7:45 Monday- Friday will make you attempt to go to bed a tad sooner!